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Powering Up Our Tech! Prioritising Security for Our App Users


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In 2016, Ohmyhome launched with an app that helped you buy and sell homes easier and faster.

In the years since, we’ve included plenty of features that made the initial promise easier to fulfill.

And as usual, we only keep improving. 

In August this year, Ohmyhome will be rolling out a new in-app chat update that creates a safer environment for all users on our app.

Ohmyhome chats now have a more modern and aesthetic look and feel.

We’ve doubled down on security and made that our utmost priority by:

  • Introducing fraud detection measures that flag out suspicious behaviours on the marketplace by blocking phrases and sentences typical scam artists use.

  • Removing the “Make An Offer” feature, which we’ve identified as one of the functions abused to pressure users to send money to what they believe to be a legitimate process and request in buying or viewing a home.

  • Implementing read receipts to ensure that a user always knows the buyer or seller’s level of engagement. In a chat conversation, you can now see if the other party has read your message.

You will receive push notifications when you get a chat reply on the Ohmyhome app.

  • Adding push notifications for the chat function so that you’re notified when you receive a reply. This means you end up buying, selling, renting, or leasing your home much quicker, saving precious time, and likely closing at a better deal.
  • Promoting an environment to keep the entire conversation you have with an interested party within the app (it’s much safer to keep Chats on Ohmyhome).

Important note for active users:

1. (For all users) All closed and completed chat history sessions will be removed, but conversations with active listings will remain.

2. (For Singapore app users only) The appointment setting function will also be removed, but only temporarily. A new and improved version will be introduced soon.

This will be a mandatory update so you will have to ensure you’ve updated the app to its latest version before you can continue using it.

We’ll remind you as the days get closer.

If you have yet to download our app, today is still the best day to do so. Put the power and knowledge of buying or selling your home in your hands. Feel free to click the image to your respective app stores below to download the app.

Download the Ohmyhome app on Google Play or App Store.

We’re looking forward to making sure your experience with Ohmyhome continues to be a pleasant one and we’re excited to let you know what else we have in store to make your homeowning experience even simpler and safer.

While the Information is considered to be true and correct at the date of publication, changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of the Information. The Information may change without notice and Ohmyhome is not in any way liable for the accuracy of any information printed and stored or in any way interpreted and used by a user.

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