As the Lunar New Year draws closer, homeowners are busy sprucing up their homes in a bid to usher in prosperity, wealth and good health for their families. How can you efficiently make use of Feng Shui principles to help you invite good energy to your living space this year?
Feng Shui originated in China and has been in existence for a few thousand years. The Chinese believe that it can influence a person’s family life, career, wealth, marriage, health and more. An environment with good ‘qi’, or energy, can have a tremendously positive impact on a person and inevitably affect their happiness and degree of success in various aspects of their life. Here are some easy Feng Shui tips for you!
Simple Tips for Positive Energy:
- 1. Place a water feature in the South sector of your living room
- 2. Keep it clean and no dirty shoes along your doorway
- 3. Give your walls a fresh coat of paint – Brown is the lucky colour of the year!
- 4. Wash the curtains & keep the home well-lit
- 5. Taking care of the Illness Star
- 6. Keep your front door clean and well-maintained
1. Place a water feature in the South sector of your living room
In traditional Feng Shui, an emphasis is placed on water as it is regarded as a symbol of wealth. Placing water elements in your home can help you attract prosperity into your life. The Wealth star lands in the South sector in 2023. It is recommended to install a water feature in the South corner of your residence. However, do make sure that it is installed properly as a leakage may cause you to lose wealth!
2. Keep it clean and no dirty shoes along your doorway
Messy piles of books, tons of shoes at the entrance of your home and a wardrobe stuffed with clothing you never wear should all be removed or tidied. Clutter blocks the flow of good ‘qi’ in the house and may even increase levels of anxiety in the home, which is supposed to be a place of rest and rejuvenation. It is frowned upon in Feng Shui if you have too many pairs of dirty shoes at the main door, so do discard those worn-out shoes and keep your shoes tidily in shoe cabinets.
3. Give your walls a fresh coat of paint – Brown is the lucky colour of the year!
Looking to reclaim your peace or find your soul mate in the new year? Why not give your home a fresh coat of paint! Colours are known to have symbolic meanings in Feng Shui practices, so do make use of them to enhance your home and life. The lucky colour for 2023 is brown, so all shades of brown including khaki, sandy brown and beige are recommended for your home. These colours are associated with stability and support as they bring a sense of order and security to your life and home.
4. Wash the curtains & keep the home well-lit
The living room is where your family spends a large bulk of time together, and it is important that the area has good Feng Shui and brings good luck to all who enter the space. Ensure that light enters the space easily and that it scatters evenly throughout the living room. Fix any faulty light bulbs and maintain a bright living space to usher in good fortune and success. Additionally, keep your curtains and windows clean to allow fresh and clean ‘qi’ to enter your residence. Dusty windows are a big no.
5. Taking care of the Illness Star
In 2023, the Feng Shui #2 Erhei illness star resides in the East. To eliminate bad fortune and poor health, it is best to keep this area neat, clean and tidy. If the East sector of your residence happens to be the washroom, keep it dry at all times to prevent unfortunate accidents. It is recommended to introduce ‘yang’ elements such as keeping the light on 24/7 to eliminate the bad ‘qi’ brought by the sickness star. Additionally, get rid of dead plants and avoid placing a rubbish bin in this corner.
6. Keep your front door clean and well-maintained
Usher in good fortune when your front door is clean and well taken care of! In Feng Shui principles, the front door is regarded as the portal to the house, where ‘qi’ flows in. Check that the door hinges are well-lubricated, and paint is not peeling off the door. As brown is the Feng Shui colour of the year, it is recommended to place a brown carpet at the entrance to usher in good luck!