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Housing Benefits for Our Seniors: Priority Scheme for Seniors With Elderly Parents

a daughter considering to avail a HBD elderly scheme for her parents


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Did you know that Singaporeans have one of the longest life expectancies in the world? As of 2019, our national average was 84.8 years, a few months more than Japan, with most of those years spent in excellent health.

Longer lifespans mean that more seniors in their 50s and 60s can expect to take care of elderly parents who are in their 70s or 80s. It makes sense for these active seniors to move closer to their ageing parents, perhaps even live together in the same flat.

This is where the HDB Senior Priority Scheme (SPS) comes in.

Senior Priority Scheme Overview

What Is the Senior Priority Scheme?

The HDB allocates at least 40% of the 2-room Flexi flats to applicants aged 55 and above during sales launches. Half of this allocation is set aside for SPS applicants. So, if you apply for the SPS, you have a better chance of getting the flat you want during balloting.

Are You Eligible for the SPS?

The eligibility mechanics of the SPS is identical to the Married Child Priority Scheme (MCPS) with two exceptions: the SPS is open only to the elderly, and it has an added “near existing flat” option.

3 Questions to Consider When Applying for the SPS:

1. Are your parents Singapore Citizen (SC) or Singapore Permanent Resident (PR)?

The SPS requires that one of your parents should be an SC or a PR. If you are applying to live with either one of them, their names should be included in your flat application.

2. Where do your parents live?

The flat you are applying for under the SPS should be within four kilometres of an HDB flat or private residential property owned by your parents. If they don’t own it, it must be owned by your siblings.

3. How long do you plan to live there?

As with the MCPS, there is a five-year Minimum Occupation Period (MOP). This means that the parent who helped you qualify for the SPS must continue to live within 4 kilometres of your new flat for at least five years from your completion date.

Why not explore the housing options that the HDB offers to seniors? This way, you can provide the best care possible for your ageing parents and spend more quality time with them.

Looking for other housing options? Check out the other government schemes for could be applicable to seniors. Pro tip: the Multi-Generation Priority Scheme looks promising!

We can help you out with these as well:

Selling an old flat? If you need assistance to guide you through the process, Ohmyhome’s team of experienced and knowledgeable property agents are here to help, completely free of charge.

You can also reach us directly at 6886 9009!

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