Property tech? What exactly is property tech? More importantly, why do we need it for something personal as real estate transactions? For many Filipinos, the idea of property sales is going to a mall and getting handed a brochure by smart-looking sales associates. With enough convincing, you might agree to share your contact information or to set an appointment for a site tour.
Millennials and Gen Z are making better decisions

Many would be surprised why. The fact is, Millennials and Generation Z like to be in control of making the right decisions. Whether it’s finding the next best cafe, sushi bar or getting their next home & renovation ideas, you’ll be surprised how knowledgeable they can be. These generations march to the beat of their own drums and like to do things their way. Specifically, today’s digital natives have grown confident in their abilities to make a choice. Whereas Gen X and Boomers might have no trouble picking up the phone and calling for a salesperson, millennials and gen Z would hold off calling a company and instead conduct their own research first.
What does that mean for real estate sales? Prior to contacting a sales rep or calling a developer hotline, today’s buyers would like to gather more information first. Growing up with internet access, they will look around websites to check for the properties they want. They go over the developer’s social accounts and see what people are saying about them. Lastly, they’ll check out articles and forums to see if the property they want fits their requirements. Does the developer practice eco-friendly methods? Are current residents happy with their units? How’s the actual traffic and flooding situation there? How much are the taxes and fees? Once they have all that information available, only then will millennials and Gen-Z buyers check the brochure and dial the number.
Property Tech Provides the Information Today’s Buyers Want

Recognizing what today’s buyers want and how they move, today’s sellers should also move toward providing information first and then services after. The proliferation of smartphones and cloud-based applications means buyers can look for and receive complete and accurate information on demand. Once they have the data, they can proceed to confidently make better purchase decisions. For smart buyers, going over a number of property and developer sites remains the best way to conduct comparison shopping. For their utmost convenience, tech property companies provide the site or the app that allows them to do so.
A property tech company builds and maintains the platform containing the information and resources needed by real estate customers to complete their buying journey. Instead of making buyers go all over the web to find the information they want, they can simply head to a property tech platform to browse all listed properties at their convenience. Alternatively, they can also download the prop tech app and have easier access as well as custom alerts when a unit they want becomes available.
Ohmyhome is the Premier Property Tech Platform in the Philippines

The great thing about property tech is that’s not all about buying, The platform can also help customers who want to sell their properties. With a steady network of buyers waiting in the wings, the property tech platform can easily farm out the available property and receive inquiries and bids to share with the seller. Additionally, property tech can also handle customers looking for places to rent. It can hook these clients with its network of leasing agents and property owners.
It’s 2022, and buyers are more tech-savvy than ever. This is why companies like Ohmyhome help the new generations of homeowners experience a hassle-free purchase journey that conforms to how they handle things. It’s the only one-stop platform for property buying, selling, renting, and ancillary services in the country today.
Once buyers are ready and willing to sit down and talk, Ohmyhome is ready to take in their applications or additional queries. Unlike other property tech platforms, Ohmyhome recognizes the urgency of customers who want immediate answers or actions. Once the client signifies readiness to talk to a human agent, the Ohmyhome then turns over the conversation to a top agent standing by. Whether it’s arranging a physical or virtual tour, going over the finer points of the property details, or drawing up a contract, Ohmyhome’s professional staff will take care of it. Once the deal’s done and signed, buyers can expect additional services in the form of documentation assistance and payment coordination and processing.
To learn more about what Ohmyhome Philippines can do for you, visit our site. You can also subscribe to our Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube accounts. You can also download the Ohmyhome app for even more features. Choose between the iOS or Android versions.