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12 Zodiac Forecast 2019


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鼠 (Rat)

鼠年出生的年份: 1948年、1960年、1972年、1984年、1996年、2008年



It is a year full of adventures and drastic changes for individuals born in the year of the Rat. With a star that blesses you with enhanced power, you will find yourself filled with a revived drive to complete assigned tasks. However, be wary of letting your ego ruin your life. Patience and flexibility are needed to help you excel in the opportunities around you. 2019 brings opportunities for you to move out of your current situations; so, be prepared to seize your breakthrough opportunities!

  • Lucky number: 4637
  • Lucky Colors: Blue, Green, White
  • Lucky Directions: Northeast, Southeast
Stars RankingCareerWealthRomanceHealth
Rat1 star1.5 stars4 stars2.5 stars

牛 (Ox)

牛年出生的年份: 1949年、1961年、1973年、1985年、1997年、2009年



Done with the year filled of turbulence, those born in the year of the Ox will see better luck in 2019. There will be benefactors around to aid in at work, and you’ll be able to showcase your abilities and shine at work. Health takes a toll; you need to work on stress and relationship-management. Prioritize family time and focus on developing a good communication style with your children and spouse. Family harmony will be affected if there is suspicion and neglect.

  • Lucky number: 0768
  • Lucky Colors: Purple, Maroon, Pink
  • Lucky Directions: Northwest, North
Stars RankingCareerWealthRomanceHealth
Ox3 stars1.5 stars1 star1 star

虎 (Tiger)

虎年出生的年份: 1950年、1962年、1974年、1986年、1998年、2010年



With an authority star shining on the individuals born in the year of the Tiger, 2019 is a good year for you. Benefactors will surround you, helping you to advance in your career. Developing good relationships with key stakeholders in your organization will aid in your success. Due to the clash with Tai Sui, you might face wealth instability and inevitable losses in riches. Stress at work takes a toll on your productivity, mental and physical health. It is important to find joy in your life and do more charitable acts in 2019!

  • Lucky number: 0358
  • Lucky Colors: White, Yellow, Orange, Beige
  • Lucky Directions: West, North
Stars RankingCareerWealthRomanceHealth
Tiger4.5 stars1.5 stars0.5 star2 stars

兔 (Rabbit)

兔年出生的年份: 1951年、1963年、1975年、1987年、1999年、2011年



A busy and fulfilling year for individuals born in the year of Rabbit! You will be very pro-active in both career and personal matters. This year, the thirst for change and breakthroughs will propel you to success. Your motivation to do better will open doors for you to connect with like-minded people. On the romance front, nurture your relationship and trust your partner more. Steer clear from gossips and negativity. Health-wise, maintain a healthy diet and start a new exercise regime to improve your overall health.

  • Lucky number: 6781
  • Lucky Colors: Pink, Brown, Khaki
  • Lucky Directions: East, South
Stars RankingCareerWealthRomanceHealth
Rabbit5 stars3.5 stars3 stars3 stars

龙 (Dragon)




With an auspicious star shining, individuals born in the year of the Dragon will be surrounded with benefactors and you will be able to showcase your talents in your job. Help will be extended from colleagues and friends when it comes to your career. You will have a heightened capability to complete tasks, along with a will to win. Wealth fortune is average, and you should refrain from gambling. Rein in your temper as it might in turn affect your interpersonal relationships and family harmony.

  • Lucky number: 0810
  • Lucky Colors: Gray, Brown, Grayish-Black
  • Lucky Directions: Southwest, Northeast
Stars RankingCareerWealthRomanceHealth
Dragon5 stars4 stars2 stars1 star

蛇 (Snake)

蛇年出生的年份: 1953年、1965年、1977年、1989年、2001年、2013年



A rocky year ahead due to the conflict with Tai Sui, individuals born in the year of the snake will find themselves short-tempered. In 2019, you need to strengthen your people management skills. It will be a prosperous year for ladies, as you get an improved fortune in your career, wealth and opportunities. For males, you will feel trapped and isolated at work. Pay extra attention to health problems related to blood pressure.

  • Lucky number: 0921
  • Lucky Colors: Green, Purple, Violet
  • Lucky Directions: Southeast, Southwest, Northeast
Stars RankingCareerWealthRomanceHealth
Snake2.5 stars2 stars3 stars2 stars

Ohmyhome 12 Zodiac Signs Forecast 2019

马 (Horse)

马年出生的年份: 1954年、1966年、1978年、1990年、2002年、2014年


属马的朋友整体运势有上升的趋势 ,工作中能得贵人的提拔,会出现期待已久的良机,要懂得把握。流年因受[紫薇]和[贪狼]星影响,所以个性会骄傲自大和孤僻愤世。切记勿受性格及波动的情绪而影响人际关系,否则将错失良机。职场方面只要好好发挥,努力积极,前途一片光明。在洽谈业务,建立合作关系时,还是要小心工作上的异性桃花。今年在工作上除了有正常收入也会有额外的津贴。

Good fortune shines down you! In 2019, you will gain elder benefactors’ help to advance in your career. With positive stars gracing your life, your achievements come along with arrogance. Keep your boastfulness in check; least opportunities slip away. On the career front, be proactive and you will be blessed with a smooth-sailing career. Manage your work relationship with the opposite gender well as they can affect your career fortune negatively. You will also be presented with opportunities to make money on top of your regular income.

  • Lucky number: 7788
  • Lucky Colors: Beige, Yellow, Pink
  • Lucky Directions: East, Southeast, South
Stars RankingCareerWealthRomanceHealth
Horse5 stars3 stars3.5 stars2 stars

羊 (Goat)

羊年出生的年份: 1955年、1967年、1979年、1991年、2003年、2015年



A mixed fortune for 2019, individuals born in the year of the Goat will be negatively affected by interpersonal problems. Fret not, as your hard work will still be rewarded at work. This year, remember to be kind and mind your words. Perseverance will help you reap the rewards of your efforts. 2019 is an excellent year for students to pick up new skills and information, seize the opportunities! Money-wise, make sure you always have a healthy cash flow.

  • Lucky number: 7899
  • Lucky Colors: Baby-Blue, Red, Maroon
  • Lucky Directions: Southeast, Northeast
Stars RankingCareerWealthRomanceHealth
Goat4 stars3.5 stars4 stars2 stars

猴 (Monkey)

猴年出生的年份: 1956年、1968年、1980年、1992年、2004年、2016年



There will be conflicts and hidden sabotages surrounding individuals born in the year of the Monkey due to the clash with Tai Sui. Luck fluctuates and there will be a lot of changes happening. If there is a need for renovation at home, an auspicious date must be selected. Work-wise, you’ll get to showcase your talents and receive help from benefactors. Your wealth luck is volatile. Be prepared to work your way to success. Keep your emotions and desires in check least it affects your overall wellness.

  • Lucky number: 9669
  • Lucky Colors: White, Black, Green, Red
  • Lucky Directions: South, North
Stars RankingCareerWealthRomanceHealth
Monkey4.5 stars0.5 star2 stars3 stars

鸡 (Rooster)

鸡年出生的年份: 1945年、1957年、1969年、1981年、1993年、2005年



Finally escaping Tai Sui’s negative influence, there will be a general improvement in your fortune. That said, with a lack of main stars in your life, you tend to overthink and be swayed by others’ opinions, limiting your personal progress. 2019 is a good year for you to head abroad for career development. If you are moving abroad or overseas, you stand to reap the benefits and be on the receiving end for opportunities and good fortune. Respect your loved ones and be more for magnanimous to prevent unhappiness in your relationship.

  • Lucky number: 3193
  • Lucky Colors: Brown, Beige, Gray
  • Lucky Directions: North, East
Stars RankingCareerWealthRomanceHealth
Rooster3 stars1 star1 star4 stars

狗 (Dog)

狗年出生的年份: 1946年、1958年、1970年、1982年、1994年、2006年



Good fortune awaits individuals born in the year of the Dog! 2019 brings enhanced authority, career progression and personal growth. Let this year be about work; approach it slowly and steadily, and resist the urge to rush into things. Work towards your goals as they can be fulfilled this year. There will be plenty of romance advances and opportunities in the new year, choose wisely. For married individuals, be clear of your priorities and responsibilities.

  • Lucky number: 8218
  • Lucky Colors: Green, Blue, Black
  • Lucky Directions: East, Northwest
Stars RankingCareerWealthRomanceHealth
Dog4.5 stars4.5 stars2.5 stars0.5 star

猪 (Pig)

猪年出生的年份: 1947年、1959年、1971年、1983年、1995年、2007年



For individuals born in the year of the Pig, it is a year mixed with happiness and frustrations due to Tai Sui’s adverse influence. You will be filled with unnecessary anxieties. It is good to adopt a defensive front in 2019 and be magnanimous when handling others. Refrain from being too anxious to get things done as you might end up making more mistakes. Spend more time with your family and maintain a healthy communication; your family support will tide you through the difficult times. Work-wise, find your tribe and stick with them. It is a good year for you to go for re-training and skills upgrading courses.

  • Lucky number: 5535
  • Lucky Colors: Navy, Light Blue, Silvery Gray
  • Lucky Directions: North, East
Stars RankingCareerWealthRomanceHealth
Pig1 star2 stars0.5 star1 star

This forecast is provided by New Trend Lifestyle (NTL).

New Trend Lifestyle 12 Zodiac forecast

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