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This is easy to verify! Just go to CEA’s website, click on Ohmyhome in the first column, and you’ll be able to see the transaction details of each of our agents. On average, each Ohmyhome agent completed 67 deals in the past 24 months. Our results speak for themselves. With us, you’re definitely in good hands.

There’s no catch! Ohmyhome has in-house tech capabilities that saves you both time and resources so that you can sell at the fastest speed with savings up to $18,000. We have facilitated over 4,000 HDB resale transactions while helping our customers save at least $20 million in agent fees and commissions.

Don’t worry! If your flat isn’t sold within our exclusivity period, there is no need to pay us. On average, it takes Ohmyhome agents 60 days to sell an HDB flat. If your property isn’t moving, we will review it on a regular basis to find new solutions.

We believe in providing the best of both worlds for our customers, pairing comprehensive housing solutions at an affordable, fixed rate. Our passion for providing high-quality customer experiences motivate us to innovate the real estate industry through our one-stop property platform.

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